Meet The Fringepig Team...Packet Panda

Packet Panda hasn’t seen much of the world.

In fact, she has never been outside her own packaging as she hates the thought of decreasing in value.

She has touched nothing, done nothing, experienced nothing; seen and heard nothing except through the milky Perspex that protects and deadens her life.

Does this prevent her from having an opinion? Far from it.

In fact, it was listening to Packet Panda complain for three whole hours about connectivity issues with her new iMac Air – while never once venturing from her box to do anything about it – that convinced us she would make the PERFECT reviewer – and an even better reviewer-reviewer.

Packet Panda has all the gutsy, streetwise chops of a person who knows how to keep it fresh, and knows what the deal is, and how it ought to be done – but really doesn’t want to have to do any of it themselves.

Reviews filed by Packet Panda

Graeme Morrice

Full marks to Graeme Morrice for being rambling, irrelevant and slightly offensive in the opening paragraph of his Lucy Beaumont ...

Niki Boyle

Excuse me just a moment while I fact you with stats: so far this year Niki Boyle has reviewed eight ...

Katherine Price

Due to an editorial error by Broadway Baby, Katherine Price's reviewer-review was written up with incorrect information. One or more ...

Laura Ennor

I’m fairly sure there must be narrative accounts of the Rwandan genocide that are bubblier than Laura Ennor’s comedy reviews ...

George Howard

I don’t know what year George Howard thinks he’s living in, but he writes like it’s 1870 and he’s reviewing ...

Faith Ashleigh-Wong

Reading Faith Ashleigh-Wong’s reviews reminded this Panda of a writing style a world away from Fringe buffoonery. In short, Ashleigh-Wong ...

Joseph Trotter

Joseph Trotter has a breezy style that is often refreshing, like when he just says that something was “great fun” ...

James Dolton

In his accompanying photograph James Dolton looks about 11, but don’t let this fool you. He writes with all the ...

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