Meet The Fringepig Team...Jemyma C. Noevil

Jemyma once tried her hand at stand up, but Brian Logan watched her debut at the Soho Theatre and called her a “fat corporate frizzy-haired fascist Tory bitch whore who has probably never even heard of Berthold Brecht.”

After five years in a deep depression eating nothing but oven chips, Jemyma decided to become a reviewer-reviewer.
Sadly she had by this time gone completely blind, which is a little-known side effect of eating nothing but oven chips, but luckily this is no handicap in the field of reviewer-reviewing. Or, indeed, reviewing.

The rest of the staff supply her with braille copies of reviews, or sometimes they just drag in the reviewers themselves: Jemyma claims to be able to know a reviewer’s character simply by reading the acne on his or her face.

Jemyma moves in mysterious ways. Some reviewers have reported getting home to find Jemyma’s chilling calling card: a frozen oven chip on their doorstep. This is a sure sign that Jemyma is reviewing them.

Reviews filed by Jemyma C. Noevil

Victoria Nangle

When you read Victoria Nangle’s reviews you find yourself muttering ‘Get on with it’ a lot. There’s a great deal ...

Claire Smith

Claire Smith – or ‘The Scotsman’s Clair Smith', as the Wow24/7 website denomes her – is every bit as good ...

Yasmin Sulaiman

We at FringePig often bemoan the lazy reviewer who, either uncertain of their own credibility or unwilling to condemn a ...

Ben Shannon

Ben Shannon is a likeable presence whose relaxed hand on the tiller eases the audience into the situation, combining a ...

Claire Sawers

If I had to sum up Claire Sawers in one word it would have to be ‘dismissive’. She is airily ...

Megan Dalton

Megan Dalton makes sense most of the time, but occasionally reveals her youthful inexperience by going off half-cocked at nothing ...

Alice Jones

There’s something about Alice Jones that I don’t quite trust. And I dislike my own distrust, because Jones writes very ...

Charlotte Ivers

There was a point in Charlotte Ivers’ review of Mark Nelson where I wanted to invent the game Reviewer Bingo, ...

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