Meet The Fringepig Team...Edmund Rumania

About 10 years ago there was a stuffed toy reviewer-reviewer called Steve Womble who made a name for himself with his uncompromising reviewer-reviews.

He once famously said that he’d rather “get a sex change, grow some ovaries, then cut them out and eat them” than have to read another of Kate Copstick’s reviews.

Womble was also a hermaphrodite bisexual, meaning that he could be unapologetically sexist to both men and women without anyone ever complaining.

Womble was Edmund Rumania’s uncle (later aunt) and also his idol. Edmund has been working hard to carry on that family legacy of being a proper dick to people without engaging with them on any level. He writes articles and reviewer-reviews for us in between shifts at his uncle’s bailiff company.

His favourite phrase is “If you want to review people at the biggest and best arts festival on earth, you’d better not be shit at it.”

Reviews filed by Edmund Rumania

Ariane Branigan

‘Ariane Branigan is a prospective student living in Edinburgh’ says her potted Wee Review biography. Yes. She hasn’t EVEN managed ...

John Gibson

Imagine being a reviewer and watching a show predicated upon (for the first half at least) a cuddly bear. Imagine ...

Sophie Cartman

I can’t remember… is Sophie Cartman the underprivileged London one or the feral Scottish winner of the Steve Bennett Lower ...

Laura Pujos

Nobody could accuse Pujos of being dismissive about what she sees. Bloody hell no. She attends comedy shows as if ...

Paul Whitelaw

Nick Doody has a joke (and I won’t spoil it by doing the whole thing), that says you can’t write ...

Nina Keen

Is the world just wrong? Or is Nina Keen just wrong? Because one of the two MUST be wrong. Nina ...

Stephanie Withers

Stephanie Withers gives the impression of being scared of running over the word limit. Her reviews release their information in ...

Dave Coates

Dave Coates is one of those reviewers who, like a teacher at a long-established school, wants everyone to try their ...

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