Hello dear people,
Well, we were halfway off the ground when we had to cancel.
Liam the editor has won an election in Devon, and now wants to spend more time with his parishioners, his kids, his stuffed toys and his catalogue of regrets.
We all had a hoot doing Fringepig – from its early days as a website to its three years as a fully-fledged magazine.
If anyone has bought an advert, a refund has been issued and should show up soon. We apologise for the change of plan.
Thanks to EVERYONE who made this fun.
The website will stay up for a bit but won’t update. It’ll just hang here like a frozen moment in time. And not the best moment, either. August 2018. Which was okay, but it was no July 1996 was it?
A K Kipper, Publisher and stuffed elephant